Friday, March 22, 2013

Fabulous Find

Amazing After

I picked up a copy of Style At Home Magazine April 2013 issue and as always I was flipping through looking for new ideas and trends, and there is was on page 54-55 "Dressing the stair case". I have always had a fascination for Stairways and Doors, maybe because they always lead somewhere and I like going places. I blogged about my stairs in an earlier post called Refresh and Renew which you can read later and I love the new look even though I got tennis elbow after all the work it took but totally worth the pain BUT it was missing a runner and I didn't want the tradition one piece top to bottom so I patiently was waiting for something to be made just for me. I should have invented this and I kick myself for not thinking of it. 
Windham Stair Tread in "Ebony is this one and I bought it at Home Depot it comes in brown also with another pattern called Garden Gate and one that comes in a neutral beige with no pattern. The best part is they are $3.99 and I did the entire staircase for $52 What a great deal AND its a DIY project. You do need to use 2 way tape or staples to tack it down because they will move. I chose to use a staple gun with 3/8" staples, they disappear in the carpet fibers better on the lighter sections.

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